Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tomorrow: Doctor

Tomorrow morning, we finally see a DOCTOR!! We have heard that he has experience with people with AS. I am hoping to get J's depression under control enough for him to function and be happy. I know that being away from his older children is a huge reason he is depressed but it is different. When I need something to happen, I don't become so depressed that I don't want to shower, etc. I go out and grab what I want. It gives me a reason to do this or that. This depression has come around mostly since our "Moving to New England" deadline came and passed while we sat tight in NJ, unable to make the move. We will get there eventually, but to someone who has depression, it seems like the end of the world. And, if he is happy down here and doing things with Jareth, he probably feels guilty on top of the stress of the separation. Well, here's to hoping the doctor can help J feel better in life.

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