Friday, November 6, 2009

Fed Up

I am getting to the point where I am just fed up. J wants to do everything his way and not take into consideration anyone else's needs or wants. I cannot be the one who is constantly doing everything for him and neglecting myself. He has rearranged my life, my room, my everything and I don't have any control over it. Yet if I want to ignore him for a day, an hour, a shower, I am not being supportive. I am so sick of this. I told him to leave the things I had in the closet in there. He didn't listen. He turns my life upside down and not in a good way. Then I am blamed for any/all of the bad. How dare I want to do something for me. It is getting a lot worse lately and it is really affecting me and my mood. I don't want to be drug down with him. He doesn't want to help himself be a better person so why am I bending over backwards to help him?


  1. It is really tough, the position you are in. I truly feel for you...perhaps a sanity break is in order? Even the best and strongest of us deserve a break from time to time...

    I'm thinking about you.

  2. Oops...posted on my daughter's's Hendel here...

    ugh. :-/

  3. I agree with Hendel - you are so supportive of him, but you need to take care of you and Jareth, too. I'm so sorry. :o/
