Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Sun is Rising!

I am trying not to get my hopes up, but it really seems like the therapist we saw the other day understands J and Asperger's Syndrome. I have felt like we got the ball rolling before, but that went NO WHERE! The other people we have seen never really seemed to try to build a trust with us, or they did and it was just superficial. J's new therapist is awesome! She is a fun person to talk to and we can have an actual conversation with her about AS. The nurse practitioner we saw before was reading a paragraph about AS when we were trying to discuss it with her. Anyway, I am hoping we finally found someone (or some two.. the other being the psychiatrist who has had experience with Aspies) that is understanding and genuinely wants to help. YAY!!

1 comment:

  1. I am hoping there is finally a light at the end of this tunnel. If we fail this time we may as well move to England where Aspies are understood.
